Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 10 - Post 23 The End

I can't believe that I finished all my 23 things on time. Every week was kind of exciting and stressful, never knowing about the next assignment. Every Monday Naomi would set up the lab for us and help us with our assignment. I learned quite a bit. I don't believe that I actually did all the new things on the computer that my kids tell me about. Flickr was my favorite one. It was fun downloading pictures. I liked facebook too, and looking at my daughter's pictures. I had fun playing around with Avator also. It surprised me that after doing a few assignments, I was feeling comfortable with technology. Technology is amazing, and how much stuff you can do on the internet is beyond my imagination. I don't think that I am going to use everything I learned because I won't have that much time. Even if I use a few things, I think going through this training is worth it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 9 - Post 22 -Downable Media

I took a digital media training class in the library. Our Branch Librarian gave us this class. I practiced it at that time, and it seems pretty easy. Downloading information from the library and other sources is pretty interesting. You can download ebooks,audio books, music and video from the hcpl website. LibriWox explain how to download items. Wowio gives book suggestions which include summaries of the books. It is so neat to see how things have changed over the years, and how everything is now available online at any time of the day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 9 - Post 21 - Podcasts

Podcast is just like any other site to communicate with a group of people. You can put your information out on the computer and any one can listen or watch. I don't think that I can keep up with all this informaiton because I don't have time for it. I added a RSS feed to my blogline for a podcast of Indian music. I listened to some of the music, but it was mostly commentary.

I find podcasts pretty interesting, and it seems like the possibilities are endless. There are always new podcasts coming out, and many of them are very helpful. One good one that I looked at was a podcast on how to speak Spanish. I think this is a useful thing for people who do not have time to take Spanish classes. Podcasts are making new things easily accessible to many people around the world.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 9 - Post 20 YouTube

Here is the link to my YouTube video.

YouTube is a great site that I really enjoyed browsing. I was already a little familiar with YouTube because my kids always show me videos on it. I did not realize how many different types of videos were available on the site. It is amazing how many videos are uploaded to this one site. I searched several Indian music videos, and YouTube had a huge collection of them.

I think it's neat that anyone can upload videos to YouTube, and everyone can watch them. People should be careful about what they post though because everyone can watch. It's a good way to connect people who live far away from each other too. Someone could post a video of some sort of performance, and then relatives in another state or another country could watch that video. YouTube is a good site, but it is too easy to waste time browsing random videos!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Zoho - Week 8 - Post 19

This is picture of Tajmahal. It's looks so beautiful. I really love it.